Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Armor: The Shield of Faith

3 spiritual practices for cultivating FAITH for spiritual battle.

Christian Idolatry of Sex

How Jesus' life exposes our idolatry of sex and offers hope for true fulfillment.
Evangelism Missions Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Armor: Gospel Shoes

Your true position in spiritual battle and how engaging personal evangelism aligns you to your true identity.
Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Armor: Breastplate of Righteousness

Is the breastplate of righteousness more than good behavior?
Evangelism Missions

Hero Martyr or 'Religious Colonialist'?

How We Can Discuss Christian Missions In a Polarized Society
Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Armor: The Belt of Truth

Do you avoid sharing your heart with honest transparency? If so, you might be diminishing your spiritual authority in warfare.
Evangelism Equality

The War on Women: An Opportunity for the Gospel

A divine appointment on an airplane on the topic of gender equality in the Church.
Missions Community

Community & Missions: The Apostolic Model

5 Reasons Community IS the Launch Pad for Missions.

10 Questions for Sermon Prep

Helpful questions for preparing sermons.

Things Catalyst Students Experience

Experiencing a School of Transformation.

True Community

The Church Returning to Authentic Community.