Things Catalyst Students Experience
In the last few weeks approaching the startof another Catalyst Training School Summer Program, I have received several emails and voicemails from various CTS Alumni. I have been profoundly encouraged by the gracious words and gratitude from these dear friends. I’ve also been humbled by the reality that so many of our alumni are faithfully pursuing God’s call on their lives and doing such significant work in the world. These messages got me to ponder the question: “What key things to Catalyst students experience in our schools?” Take a read and let me know what you think!
Community: Immersion into a company of believers in a vibrant local church setting; a people committed to the glory of God and pursuing New Testament life. Enjoying the peaks and enduring the valleys, a beautiful history is built pursuing God together as a family.
Holy Devotion: Daily schedules built around growing in the knowledge of God. More than becoming smarter, students learn to prioritize their lives around the glory of God and the worship of Him. Long hours are spent in study and meditation in the scriptures, worship and prayer, producing a heart fully alive in God.
Freedom & Restoration: In the same way that the greatest wounds and injustice happen in family, so also the most profound work of healing and restoration occurs in family. Students walk with leaders and friends who teach them of the strong love of God, call them into their design and destiny and hold them to the anchor of God’s truth. They become who they are designed to be.
Adventure with the Holy Spirit: Enabled by a growing grace to hear God’s voice, students are released into a great adventure of hearing and obeying the Holy Spirit. They follow Him on the Father’s assignment and learn the ‘go’ of friendship and intimacy with God.
The Gap Closing: Our schools represent a season of life where God closes the gap between the testimony of the scriptures (concerning the Christian experience) and the testimony of their own lives. It’s a restoration of uncompromising truth, agape love and supernatural power in the life of the believer.
Gods Heart for Nations: Daily hours in the place of prayer combined with raw experience ministering the gospel are lethal weapons that destroy apathy and indifference to lost souls. Done daily these things work in us God’s great desire for all to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
Prophetic Urgency: The revelation of Jesus (the spirit of prophecy) produces in us a pursuit of God that breaks the status quo and sets our lives on a kingdom course. In our schools students are marked by the word of the Lord to this generation and their lives become built around preparation for the revelation of His glory in the earth, as the waters cover the seas.