10 Questions for Sermon Prep
I thought I'd share with you a few helpful questions that I use as I'm preparing to teach and preach. I hope these help you in your journey with the Holy Spirit as you have opportunity to proclaim His word!
- Is the message solidly based on Scripture?
- Does it exalt the Person and work of Jesus Christ?
- Can I reduce my message to a single, concise statement?
- What are the core truths/values that im calling the ppl to embrace or steps to take?
- Is the message organized so that I can preach it clearly and the people understand it easily?
- Are all Scripture references and testimonial facts accurate?
- Have I contextualized the message in the prophetic context of what God is doing in the life of the body?
- Does the message complement the work of the Spirit in the body in this season?
- Have I discerned the spirit/manner in which I am to deliver this message?
- Is the Holy Spirit asking me to take any specific steps today in order to more personally embrace the truths I am calling the people to?